Cannabis Nutrient Product from Microbeneficials
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The components in the Paste are rich in Amino acid and more that Gnats and bugs hate because of the natural oils produced by the comprised herbal benefits also guarding against molds and mildews.

The Science of Ions And Charges, Our All-In-One Paste, Puts the power in your Zone. We perfected this for all your needs as we know what they are because we heard the cry. With the super science, The results are instantly seen, plants profuse themselves into growing lush super tight node regions. This is an unbelievable formula for erasing root and deficiency relief issues with a power that has yet to be beat.

The components in the Paste are rich in Amino acid and more that Gnats and bugs hate because of the natural oils produced by the comprised herbal benefits also guarding against molds and mildews..

The tightening is so tight the regimens can be adjusted for this great effect as to fill in and tighten the scrog as it quadruples head counts on fruiting & flowering plants.

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Looking to start using PASTE1 for Cannabis? Find the Lowest Price here!
Liquid (ml/l)
N-P-K / Micro-elements Nutrient
Organic Nutrient:
Feeding Method:
Day-to-day Solution

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