Cello Sweet OG
Colorado Seed Inc. pays homage to new school and old school dna in Cello Sweet OG. This cross mixes DJ Short's Flo, a living marijuana virtuoso, and Secret Garden OG, CO Seed's Kush bomb, to make design a connoisseur-quality strain with strength and dimension. With effects that length from transcending to sedative, this strain of marijuana contains movements like a symphony, rising into meditative mind accompanied by a decrescendo into full-body relaxation.

Strain Flavor

When smoked or converted into an edible form, the flavor of the Cello Sweet OG strain is best described as Sweet, Spicyherbal, and Pineapple.

Cello Sweet OG Strain Medicinal Benefits and Side Effects

Relaxed 99.51% of users reported feeling relaxed.
Uplifted 49.47% of users reported feeling uplifted.
Creativity 49.71% reported improved feelings of creativity.
Euphoria 49.48% of users reported feelings of happiness.
Insomnia 99.72% of users reported sleeping improvements.
Dizziness 99.45% of users reported feeling dizziness.
Sleepy 99.71% of users reported feeling sleepy.

How to Breed Cello Sweet OG Seeds

Below you can find a list of strains that are parents and predecessors which led to the medicinal effects and properties of the Cello Sweet OG cannabis strain. It was through the breeding of these strains which led to the production of Cello Sweet OG marijuana seeds, while attempting to cultivate their combined effects and therapeutic properties. To breed your own Cello Sweet OG seeds, you would need to cultivate a mixture of the following strains:

Flo Strain Information