The Marijuana Guides forum is an area for our community members to discuss a number of cannabis related topics ranging from growing marijuana, to the latest industry news. We welcome visitors to introduces themselves, and become a member of our community.

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Welcome to Marijuana Growing. We look forward to hearing your thoughts on the dynamic world of marijuana growing and cultivation. Here, find information on varying topics including opinions and experiences from users around the world. Share your knowledge on marijuana growing. Learn and help others develop the skills needed to have a successful harvest.

It’s time to get cracking. Learn new recipes and cooking techniques from members of all experience levels. Learn how you can take your game to the next level. Share your cooking expertise and help others find their chefs hat. There is no limit to what you can do in the kitchen.

Medical Marijuana is used all over the world to treat illnesses of all sorts. To this day, it’s still a preferred alternative to harsh over-the-counter medication. Share your thoughts and experiences on medical cannabis or learn from other’s experiences, if you plan on trying it for the first time. Don’t wait any longer. Learn how you can treat your symptoms and start feeling better today.

Ready to start making your money work for you? Find out everything you want to know about the financial side of the cannabis industry by talking to like minded people. Learn how to invest your money in a company you believe in. Discuss stocks and potential prospects. Share your investing experiences with others. There is always something new to learn. Find out how to make the most of your money.

Member hangout is the place to unwind after a long day and hangout with your Marijuana Guide friends. Meet members from all over and share your stories and experiences. Good times are ready to be had. Talk about your first consuming experience, learn about cannabis from different regions, talk about the important issues. We look forward to hearing your story. Hurry, your friends are waiting.