Karibbean Mango
Karibbean Mango by Kannabia Seed Business is a predominantly indica mashup of stout Afghani and Mango dna. Powerful tropical aromas emanate and translate to a bright, sweet taste profile. This strain of cannabis won 3rd Place Indica at the 2013 Copa Cannabica Axarquia in Velez Malaga, Spain. Karibbean Mango features a 65-day growing period and sprouts thick nuggets heavy with resin. This heavy structure also gives Karibbean Mango mold and pest resistance.

When to Harvest Karibbean Mango ‐ Flowering Time

Karibbean Mango can flower in as little as 6 weeks, much faster than many other marijuana strains. The Karibbean Mango strain offers an typical yield between 1 and 3 oz per square foot, on average.

Strain Flavor

When smoked or converted into an edible form, the flavor of the Karibbean Mango strain is best described as Mango, Tropical, and Peach.

Karibbean Mango Strain Medicinal Benefits and Side Effects

Relaxed 99.58% of users reported feeling relaxed.
Happiness 99.73% of users reported feeling happier.
Creativity 32.64% reported improved feelings of creativity.
Lack of Appetite 99.26% indicated a decrease in appetite.
Stressed 99.48% of users reported reduced stress.
Dry Mouth 99.66% of users reported a dry mouth.
Dry Eyes 99.66% of users reported dry eyes.
Insomnia 99.6% of users reported trouble sleeping.
Headaches 99.74% of users reported a reduction in headaches.
Anxiety 99.56% of users reported feeling anxious.
Sleepy 65.96% of users reported feeling sleepy.

How to Breed Karibbean Mango Seeds

Below you can find a list of strains that are parents and predecessors which led to the medicinal effects and properties of the Karibbean Mango cannabis strain. It was through the breeding of these strains which led to the production of Karibbean Mango marijuana seeds, while attempting to cultivate their combined effects and therapeutic properties. To breed your own Karibbean Mango seeds, you would need to cultivate a mixture of the following strains:

Afghani Strain Information
Mango Strain Information