Gandalf OG
Gandalf OG is an especially powerful predominantly indica strain that packs medical-grade impairment, analgesic qualities, and a OG odor that could only originate in a global fantasy and wonder. This strain of marijuana attains such pronounced strength by blending predecessor strains Louie XIII and Skywalker OG. This indica-rich synergy creates a strain with debilitating impairment that binds the consumer to their chair while muting chronic physical pain with ease. It smells of classic OG elements like pine, earth, and lemon peel and has deep green leaves and calyxes. Because Gandalf OG is so sedating, this marijuana strain is designed for use right following the sun goes down.

Strain Flavor

When smoked or converted into an edible form, the flavor of the Gandalf OG strain is best described as Sweet, Berry, and Flowery.

Gandalf OG Strain Medicinal Benefits and Side Effects

Relaxed 69.61% of users reported feeling relaxed.
Energetic 82.67% of users reported feeling energetic.
Uplifted 85.09% of users reported feeling uplifted.
Lack of Appetite 59.52% indicated a decrease in appetite.
Stressed 85.79% of users reported reduced stress.
Dry Mouth 99.27% of users reported a dry mouth.
Dry Eyes 92.38% of users reported dry eyes.
Insomnia 99.43% of users reported trouble sleeping.
Inflammation 13.66% of users reported reduced inflammation.
Headaches 78.78% of users reported a reduction in headaches.
Eye Pressure 13.29% of users reported eye pressure.
Sleepy 99.49% of users reported feeling sleepy.

How to Breed Gandalf OG Seeds

Below you can find a list of strains that are parents and predecessors which led to the medicinal effects and properties of the Gandalf OG cannabis strain. It was through the breeding of these strains which led to the production of Gandalf OG marijuana seeds, while attempting to cultivate their combined effects and therapeutic properties. To breed your own Gandalf OG seeds, you would need to cultivate a mixture of the following strains:

King Louis XIII Strain Information