Orange Blossom
Orange Blossom by Falcanna is the hybrid cross of Orange Bud and OG Kush. This strain of marijuana mixes equal measures carefree happiness with relaxing physical effects that make it perfect for leisurely activities. Its fragrance is slightly floral with overtones of fresh squeezed orange. Orange Blossom's taste profile is very similar however features a delicate Kush aftertaste. Make use this strain of cannabis to provoke appetite while reducing stress.

Strain Flavor

When smoked or converted into an edible form, the flavor of the Orange Blossom strain is best described as Orange, Citrus, and Sweet.

Orange Blossom Strain Medicinal Benefits and Side Effects

Relaxed 99.29% of users reported feeling relaxed.
Happiness 98.16% of users reported feeling happier.
Uplifted 93.31% of users reported feeling uplifted.
Talkative 91.63% of users reported feeling talkative.
Giggly 88.52% of users reported feeling giggly.
Anti-Depressant 86.82% of users felt uplifted after consumption.
Insomnia 32.88% of users reported sleeping improvements.
Stressed 99.65% of users reported reduced stress.
Dry Mouth 99.72% of users reported a dry mouth.
Dry Eyes 14.92% of users reported dry eyes.
Headaches 33.05% of users reported a reduction in headaches.
Headaches 14.86% of users reported headaches.
Anxiety 14.82% of users reported feeling anxious.
Nausea 38.12% of users reported feeling nauseous.

How to Breed Orange Blossom Seeds

Below you can find a list of strains that are parents and predecessors which led to the medicinal effects and properties of the Orange Blossom cannabis strain. It was through the breeding of these strains which led to the production of Orange Blossom marijuana seeds, while attempting to cultivate their combined effects and therapeutic properties. To breed your own Orange Blossom seeds, you would need to cultivate a mixture of the following strains:

Orange Bud Strain Information
OG Kush Strain Information